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Commercial law newsletter


Welcome to our winter edition of the Commercial law newsletter, in which we will highlight recent developments in commercial law, including the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on public procurement, trading contracts and outsourcing, the effects of Brexit on data protection and what this means for you, an insight into Creative Commons licences, and much more.

While public procurement has clearly taken a high-profile role during the COVID-19 pandemic (not always for the best of reasons) an important point to make at the outset is that the law around public procurement has not in fact needed to change at all to adapt to the urgent requirements presented to us all by the pandemic…read more.

It is important to note at the outset that there is no general doctrine of force majeure recognised in English law; it is a matter of contract. Whether or not the COVID-19 outbreak constitutes a force majeure event, therefore, will depend on the provisions of the contract and their interpretation…read more.

Unsurprisingly, given the events of 2020, the impact of Brexit has slipped from people’s radar slightly, but the expiry of the withdrawal period is fast approaching…read more.

Many people have heard that works on the internet are free to use because of something called a ‘Creative Commons licence’. This is both true and not true…read more.

Has COVID-19 encouraged you to reconsider your outsourcing needs? If so, it might be time to quarantine your outsourcing agreements and give them a health check. Below we have tracked-and-traced a list of considerations to help you to isolate any potential areas in those agreements that may need sanitising…read more.

Court rules in Duchy Farm Kennels Ltd -v- Graham William Steels [2020] that even when one party in a contract breaches confidentiality clauses, the other party must continue to uphold all of their obligations…read more.

Here at Hill Dickinson, we are advising at the cutting edge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the importance of communication infrastructure and services has recently been thrust into everyone’s household…read more.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has recently issued its final version of its guidance on artificial intelligence and data protection (Guidance)…read more.

A confidentiality clause is pretty much what it says on the tin, it aims to keep any confidential information that you need to disclose in the course of a contract exactly that – confidential…read more.